When people are short of words, they become poets... that is just how I think, no need to be serious. But I am, and here are few lines I penned down..

For a day let me be a child

that I can live in the present always..

For a day let me be the tranquil breeze

that I can gift a gentle smile my own way..

For a day let me be the sky so vast

that I can fulfill what all you pray..

For a day let me be the sea shore

that I be the witness to creation's best each day..

For a day let me be the God's wish

that I be one with whatever you say..

For a day let me be the gleaming moonlight

that my radiance can flourish away..

For a day let me be the ocean wave

that I don't resist to find my own way..

For a day let me celebrate life

that I become one with my SELF..

I already had its review done from Ashu - The Cruel Critic! So now, only praises are welcomed and be4 doing so, please remember...its my FIRST poem ever. OK?

Loads of love,