The world war III, if so, would be after water. That water would ever be sold, was out of question a decade ago. You could quench your thirst with much ease in those earlier days. Its no far that the earth would be in such dearth of water that there will be survival of only the fittest.

We need to take responsibility asap. I always had a notion that how would my planting one tree make a different to the earth's resources. Until I did my first DSN course, hardly did I ever realize how supportive people are when once you are in hegemony of doing something good. I still remember the fruit wala in Kishangarh taking ownership of the sapling we planted near his rehdi. He said," I will take care of this." We planted almost 200 trees as a part of our seva project in DSN and would again be gathering on 31st to own some more saplings and get attached to their lives till they grow independent.

And still 'dialectically' what I found:

If not Earth, where?
If not Now, when?
If not You, who?

Think global, Act Green :)

Guru g always makes it easy :) By Mission Green Earth, what a beautiful platform he has provided to serve our motherland! Mission Green Earth is a global programme to fight global warming with a target of 10 crore tree plantation. This is a part of UN sponsored Millenium Developement Goals Programme and in now called mission green earth standup take action 08 program. To get more details about this programme, visit

Contact your nearest Art of Living volunteer in case u r geared up for some plantation :)
